
Board of Directors


Artem Savinovsky

Executive Director
CEO of the Yandex IPJSC and Yandex LLC, since 2016 — the Head of the Plus and Fantech business unit, since 2022 - the Plus and Fintech business group, joined the company in 2008.

Andrey Betin

Independent Director
Executive Director of ANO "Russia is a country of opportunities", Rector of the Senezh Management Workshop, from 2023 to 2024 — member of the Board of Directors of the Dutch Yandex N.V.

Alexander Chachava

Non-executive Director
Entrepreneur, founder of the LETA Capital venture fund, co-founder of the IT company PRO32.

Pavel Dengin

Non-executive Director
Deputy CEO for Product Development of the INFINITUM specialized Depository, member of the Investment Committee of the HSE Endowment Fund.

Alexander Ivlev

Independent Director
Independent consultant, previously Managing Partner of EY CIS.

Anton Sychev

Non-executive Director
Financial Director of Litasco Middle East, independent member of the Board of Directors of Norilsk Nickel, previously Managing Director and one of the Heads of the Goldman Sachs Bank office in Russia and CIS countries.

Svetlana Yachevskaya

Independent Director
Lawyer, member of the Board of Trustees of the European University.

Alexey Yakovitsky

Independent Director
Member of the Board of Directors of the Dutch Yandex N.V. from 2019 to 2024.

Evgeny Yakushkin

Independent Director
Consultant, previously worked in large technology and consulting companies, including AliExpress Russia, Microsoft, McKinsey & Company, Yakov & Partners.

IPJSC “Yandex”

Head office in Russia: Moscow

Head office
16, Leo Tolstoy St., Moscow, Russia 119021
Investor Relations
Public Relations
Corporate Secretary