

  • When was the company founded?
    The company was founded in 1997. For more details on the history of the company, please refer to this page.
  • Why is the company called Yandex?
    It is an abbreviation of “yet another indexer”, an original name of a new version of a search program, launched by the founders, Ilya Segalovich and Arkady Volozh.
    For more details on the history of the company, please refer to this page.
  • What is Yandex’ total headcount?
    28 090 as of September 30, 2024.
  • What is Yandex doing for Sustainability?
    In 2021 Yandex published its first Sustainability Report, which was the result of a comprehensive effort to systematize Yandex’s social, environmental and other sustainability-related initiatives and presented them in a way that is aligned with Yandex’s business strategy, corporate values and principles of business conduct. Yandex details our corporate sustainability agenda and presents key ESG achievements and performance metrics in the Sustainability Reports for 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023. The report is published annually — this is another step towards increasing the transparency of the company.
    The Sustainability Report details Yandex’s full sustainability agenda, which focuses on 12 streams. Most of these are closely aligned with our business strategy, such as information security, human capital development and ensuring the quality of our products and services. We also present relatively new sustainability streams, where Yandex is committed to amplifying its impact.
    More information on the activities in each area can be found at our Sustainability website.
Investor information
  • When the company went public and where its shares traded?
    In April 2024, the company received a listing on the Moscow Exchange (MOEX) under the ticker YDEX, trading started on July 24.
  • What is the Yandex legal address?
    The company's address is Kaliningrad region, Kaliningrad, Solnechny blvd, zd. 3, room 6, Office 202, 236006.
  • What is the legal form of the company?
    The organizational-legal form of Yandex is International Public Joint-Stock Company.
  • What is your capital structure, do you have different share classes?
    Yandex’s capital structure consists of ordinary shares, one preferred share of type A, one preferred share of type B and one preferred share of type G. No other priority shares have been issued.
    The principal features of the ordinary shares and the preferred shares are as follows:
    • Ordinary shares, par value RUB 0.40 per share, entitled to one vote per share. Ordinary shares participate in voting on any issues.
    • Preferred share of type A, par value RUB 0.40 per share, entitled to 100 votes per share. For a description of its rights, see paragraph 7.5 in the section "Rights of shareholders - owners of preferred shares" of the Articles of Association of IPJSC Yandex (available only in Russian).
    • Preferred share of type B, par value RUB 0.40 per share, entitled to 100 votes per share. For a description of its rights, see paragraphs 7.7, 7.8, 7.9 in the section "Rights of shareholders - owners of preferred shares" of the Articles of Association of IPJSC Yandex (available only in Russian).
    • Preferred share of type G, par value RUB 0.40 per share, entitled to 100 votes per share. For a description of its rights, see paragraphs 7.11, 7.12 in the section "Rights of shareholders - owners of preferred shares" of the Articles of Association of IPJSC Yandex (available only in Russian).
  • What is Yandex’s shareholder structure?
    Yandex’s shareholder structure is presented here.
  • How can I contact the investor relations team?
    You can contact the IR service of Yandex by submitting a question via a form or by an e-mail to
Financial information
  • What is the fiscal year-end?
    Yandex’s fiscal year-end is December 31st of every calendar year.
  • Does Yandex issue quarterly reports?
    Yes, quarter reports are usually published in the end of April (Q1), July (Q2) and October (Q3). Fourth quarter and full year results are usually released in mid-February.
  • Where can I get the company’s historical financial information?
    Yandex’s historical financial information can be found in the “Financials” section.
  • Who is Yandex’s auditor?
    Yandex’s auditor is Joint-Stock Company “Technologies of Trust – Audit”.
  • What is Yandex’ segment reporting?
    As of Q1 2024, Yandex’s segment reporting includes Search and Portal, E-Commerce, Mobility and Delivery, Plus and Entertainment Services, Classifieds and Other Business Units and Initiatives.
    More information on the segments and the businesses that they include can be found in the section Key Businesses.
  • What are our businesses?
    Yandex is a technology company that builds intelligent products and services powered by machine learning. Our goal is to help consumers and businesses better navigate the online and offline world. Since 1997, we have delivered world-class, locally relevant search and information services. Additionally, we have developed market-leading on-demand transportation services, navigation products and other mobile applications for millions of consumers across the globe.
    We derive a substantial part of our revenues from online advertising. We enable advertisers to deliver targeted, cost effective ads on our own search results and other Yandex webpages, as well as on thousands of third-party websites. A few years ago, we embarked on a strategy to diversify our revenue streams and broaden the appeal of our ecosystem. Other revenue streams are growing rapidly and come from our E-commerce, Mobility and Delivery businesses; our Plus and Entertainment Services, and Classifieds businesses, as well as Other Business Units and Initiatives, including Cloud, Alice and Devices and other businesses.
    For more details on the business structure of the company, please refer to this page.
  • What is Yandex Plus?
    Yandex Plus is our subscription service to Yandex Music and Kinopoisk, and includes cashback loyalty points in the Yandex Go app, Yandex Market, Yandex Eats, Yandex Lavka, Yandex Drive, Yandex Afisha and various special offers from other Yandex services. For more Yandex Plus’ benefits please check (available only in Russian).
  • Who are Yandex’s key competitors?
    We operate in a market characterized by rapid commercial and technological change, and we face significant competition in many aspects of our business, including search and digital advertising, ride-hailing, e-commerce, food and grocery delivery, classifieds, media services, cloud and others.
  • Key business abbreviations: CPC, CPA, ROI, CPM, CTR, CR, DAU, MAU
    • CPC (Cost Per Click) is a cost per one click to an ad
    • CPA (Cost Per Action) is an online advertising measurement and pricing model, referring to a specified action (e.g. a sale, click, form submission, download, etc.)
    • ROI / ROMI (Return on Investment/Return on Marketing Investment) is a metric used in online marketing to measure the effectiveness of a marketing campaign (for example how much revenue a marketing campaign is generating compared to the cost of running that campaign)
    • CPM (Cost Per Mille) is a cost per thousand of ad impressions
    • CTR (Click-Through Rate) is a ratio of clicks to ad impressions, which can be used to evaluate efficiency of an ad, its appeal to audience and targeting efficiency
    • CR (Conversion Rate) is a ratio of users that completed a desired action (a registration, a purchase or something else) relative to the number of users that clicked to an ad and visited an advertiser’s website
    • DAU (Daily Active Users) is a number of unique users who visit a site or mobile app in a given day
    • MAU (Monthly Active Users) is a number of unique users who visited a site or mobile app during the last month

IPJSC “Yandex”

Head office in Russia: Moscow

Head office
16, Leo Tolstoy St., Moscow, Russia 119021
Investor Relations
Public Relations
Corporate Secretary