
Yandex joins the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index for the first time

Internet, December 9, 2021. Yandex has become a constituent of the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index. Yandex performed among the top 5% of companies (the 96 percentile) in the Interactive Media, Services & Home Entertainment (IMS) industry, while the scores for the Social Dimension placed the company among the top 1% of the peer universe.

S&P Global experts particularly acknowledged Yandex’s HR practices, approaches to employee motivation and development, as well as corporate citizenship programs, including measures to support businesses during the pandemic, free educational initiatives and the ‘Helping Hand’, Yandex’s community initiative.

Yandex performed among the top 7% of companies (the 93 percentile) in the Governance & Economic Dimension, scoring as high or higher than 94% and 97% of its peers in the cybersecurity and privacy protection criteria, respectively. The rating also recognized Yandex's contribution to open innovation: Yandex achieved a full score of 100/100 for the criterion.

Yandex’s energy management practices as well as efforts to maintain high energy efficiency of its data centers have ensured the overall score among the top quintile of the IMS peers for Environmental Dimension, and among the top decile for eco-efficiency criterion in particular. 

The Index represents the top 10% of the largest public companies in the S&P Global Broad Market Index based on their environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) performance. The DJSI World Index is updated annually based on the results of the Corporate Sustainability Assessment conducted by S&P Global, who evaluates corporate ESG performance using a wide array of industry-specific criteria.

Yandex published its first Sustainability Report and presented a formalized sustainability agenda in May 2021. The agenda focuses on 12 priority streams, spanning education, information security and data privacy, service quality, carbon footprint, accessibility and other areas.

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Yulia Gerasimova
Phone: +7 495 974-35-38

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Nino Donadze
Phone: +7 495 739-70-00

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